Skye Fellows Skye Fellows

Shit happens

I am not what happens to me, I am what I choose to become

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Skye Fellows Skye Fellows

Change and growth

The unknown is only unknown until it’s familiar, then it becomes the new normal

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Skye Fellows Skye Fellows

Duality, baby!

We are multi-faceted beings, who are powerful beyond measure, we should feel empowered and proud of that fact, not ashamed of it.

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Skye Fellows Skye Fellows


When we change our thoughts, we change our lives, it really gets to be that simple

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Skye Fellows Skye Fellows


We don’t find ourselves, we create ourselves, your purpose is already within you, it’s who you are.

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Skye Fellows Skye Fellows


A true friendship can bring so much depth into your life

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Skye Fellows Skye Fellows

Rest is productive

You get to make yourself, your rest and your health a priority and be unapologetic about it

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Skye Fellows Skye Fellows

Manifestation for beginners

Manifestation is about bridging the gap between where you are now and where you want to be/what you want to achieve

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Skye Fellows Skye Fellows

The gift of letting go

There is so much beauty and excitement in the new beginnings created when we step away from what no longer serves us

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