Honor the season you’re in

Photography by Danielle Ann Rose @bydanielleannrose

We as humans are just as much a part of nature as any other animal, plant, body of water, or cloud in the sky and yet for some reason, we think we are exempt from the rules of nature. Seasons change throughout the year, giving everything a chance to rest and recover so that it can grow and thrive again

We are no different, we go through many different seasons of life and all of them have a purpose. When we ignore, suppress, and push past how we are feeling or what our bodies are needing, we’re neglecting our body’s natural rhythmic cycle

I am currently in a very slow season of my life, where my heart and nervous system need a lot of gentle reassurance and kind acceptance. I’m using this time to reconnect with myself and those closest to me because that is what helps me feel safe

It caught me off guard, I was not expecting to feel this way all through the Christmas and New Year period, and initially, it upset me that I wasn’t feeling 100% during that time, but once I gave myself some grace and allowed what needed to come through to land in my awareness, I now see where I get to do some healing work, process emotions and release old subconscious belief systems that are no longer serving me, and I find that exciting and empowering. This might sound like absolute nonsense to you, and that’s okay because for me it means something and that’s what I am choosing to honor during this season of my life

For you, it could be entirely different. You could be feeling pulled to take on more responsibility, take risks, and set big goals, and I encourage you to step into that. If that’s what your heart is calling out for, then please keep leaning forward no matter how scary it might seem because if this is your season for aiming high and working your ass off then back yourself and take a leap of faith. Allow your own momentum to propel you forward into the next version of you, recognize how powerful your determination and pure will actually are, and remember, if something is meant for you, it will always work out how it’s supposed to

As much as society and hustle culture might have taught us otherwise, life is not about constant successes, big milestone moments, or the end result, as cliche as it sounds, it’s absolutely about the journey. It’s about the lessons we learn along the way and it’s about who we become in the process. So take your big moments and enjoy that season to your full capacity, but please make sure you rest and appreciate the effort you put into creating, as well

Embracing Gemini is actually named to represent “embracing duality,” embracing every emotion you experience, and every season of life. All of it is perfect, so don’t judge yourself for your quiet moments, because they are usually the most important moments. They are what prepare you and build your strength, so you can achieve your milestones. They are what make those moments stable rather than fleeting. Quiet moments are what's happening while you’re busy focusing on future big moments and if you considered all your quiet moments as bad or not good enough, and only your big moments as good and worthwhile, you’ll think you’ve been living an underwhelming life, but if you respect them for what they are, you’ll reflect on a full, beautiful life and be so incredibly grateful for every moment you get to experience

Don’t rush yourself to move on or process something before you are ready to and try not to set a time frame for when you think you “should” be over something. Emotions are stored in your body and need to be expressed and released, everyone is different and every situation is different, especially when it comes to traumatic events. Respect how you are feeling and listen to your body, choose what feels kind, and don’t force yourself to do anything before you’re ready to

If it’s not the right time to build and scale your life or business then appreciate that and be gentle with yourself. You cannot operate at full capacity during those seasons of life, so don’t expect yourself to keep pushing, moving, and growing. If now is your time to stay still, then let yourself be still. If you’re feeling called to rest or possibly even heal from something, then please give yourself the time and grace you need to do so, fully. Trust in the divine timing of life and continue to surrender to whatever it is your inner guidance is telling you and when you think you’ve surrendered enough, surrender more

Remain open and allow what comes up to be expressed even if that means you’re feeling sad or down for a time. Acknowledge and accept that that is the season you are in rather than suppressing those emotions in order to push forward with life. Just be with what is, there is nothing wrong with you, and what you are experiencing in these moments is normal, just continue to allow, accept and honor

In some seasons, you’ll want to be alone or at least spend limited time with others, and that’s okay. I’ve found that the best thing I can do in those situations is to explain to my friends and loved ones how I’m feeling, why I’ve been quieter than normal, why they might not have seen me recently, and that it’s nothing personal. Most people, if they truly care for you will send you love and support and understand completely

You don’t even have to tell them much about the situation or how you’re feeling because you might not even fully know yet, but sharing with them that you’re moving through something, will help them to understand where you’re at and is likely to strengthen your bond and help you to feel more supported as well

Not letting them know how you are feeling could lead to them misunderstanding the reason for your quietness. The same can be said about you ignoring how you feel and forcing yourself to spend time socializing, even though you have no energy to give or exchange. Your friends might feel as though you don’t want to be there, aren’t interested, and not listening to what they are saying because they will sense that you are detached, distracted, and not being yourself. The kindest thing for everyone is if you’re honest with yourself, honor where you’re at, and let them know you need space

Having to take a break from social outings, career progression and anything else that’s important to you does not make you a failure and does not make you wrong. If anything it’s the opposite, you are a human being, honoring your natural desire to rest and recover which I believe is admirable

When life feels like it’s testing you remember that it’s asking you to step forward into a greater version of yourself, pushing you to evolve. Stretching you past what’s comfortable, but it’s only uncomfortable until that becomes your new normal, then you’ll be called to expand again and grow a little more. This growth includes silence, it includes not knowing, it includes crying and wishing for clarity. Healing and growth aren’t often very pretty or clean. they’re actually kinda ugly and messy, but that’s what makes them so beautiful and worth it

So, next time it feels like you are being called into a new season of life, rather than resisting the change, and discomfort, lean into it, see what it’s like to soften into your own self-growth, be proud of who you’ll become in the process, and honor the season you’re in without judgment or fear

When we learn to embrace our own quiet moments, it becomes easier to feel empathy, and understanding for others during their own. There’s wisdom in every season, but not everyone has given themselves permission to hear it just yet. Be an example for others and show them what’s possible when you don’t shy away from feeling your emotions fully and stepping into self-expression unapologetically. Not all seasons are for hibernation and not all seasons are for blooming, embrace the beauty in both


Life gets to be good


A love letter to my friends