Living with intention
There are two ways that I know when I am living in alignment; intuition and intention
I’ve previously written about trusting your intuition, which you can find linked here, so today let’s talk about living with intention
Your intentions are the alignment of your current values and your vision for the future, they are the bridge between who you are now and who you hope to become
The practice of setting mindful intentions will allow you to feel motivated, inspired and on purpose with everything you do, whether that be for your overall day or for each individual activity, the power is in your hands
Your intention is the energy behind how you feel and what you plan to create. The difference between an intention and a goal is that goals are typically focused on the end result, whereas an intention is more about the process and experience. So, if you want to achieve a specific goal start by setting an intention first
I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying “where focus goes, energy flows” and in this case, that’s relevant because intentions allow you to focus on who you are, what’s important to you and the feeling you want to cultivate, rather than setting a goal from a mindset of lack and wishing for something you don’t yet have
Pure intention leads to an optimistic perspective, aligned action and manifestation. You cannot control outcomes, only your own actions this is why intention setting is so important because if you're not clear on what you want, you’ll call in a whole bunch of misaligned randomness, rather than your desired result, leaving you feeling disappointed and unsure of what to do next
We are all subconsciously changing and forming new habits every day so why not be intentional about it? The intentions you set today, become the life you live tomorrow, so make mindful and meaningful choices because they are what’s building your future
Three things to keep in mind when setting intentions:
Use clear languaging:
Try phrasing your intention as an affirmation or mantra and say them in the present tense, as if you’ve already received exactly what you want, for example, “I am” or “I have.” This allows your mind and the universe to hear you loud and clear, without the request being lost in translation
The mind doesn’t understand negatives, so when you say things like “I don’t want to feel anxiety or self-doubt anymore” all it hears is “anxiety or self-doubt” and attracts more of it but if you affirm “I am confident” or “I believe in myself” then that is what will become true for you
Be mindful of using terms like “I will” because it can push what we want further away from us, always keeping it just out of reach
Be conscious of your mindset and attitude:
Trust that your intention has been set and release expectations around timelines and outcomes, everything happens how and when it’s supposed to
Everything is connected, setting clear intentions doesn’t only impact you in a positive way, it can energetically lift those around you as well and what a beautiful gift that is
If your motives aren’t pure, your intentions may be tainted and likely not turn out the way you had imagined. Make sure to set your intentions from a loving and authentic place, not out of resistance, spite or ill will because as I mentioned earlier what you put out into the world, you attract more of
Support the best version of yourself:
Are your intentions in complete alignment with your highest self or are you stuck in old habits you’ve outgrown? When you listen to your heart what is it ready to let go of or release?
When deciding on an intention consider what matters to you most, what are your values, what you are grateful for and what would you like to attract more of
Even if you have no idea about any of that you can always ask yourself the simple yet powerful question “What is the greatest expression of self that I can be today?” That’s one I picked up from the brilliant Dr Joe Dispenza and I feel it’s perfect for anyone wanting to make progress but not entirely sure where to start
If your energy feels stagnant and heavy or things seem to be more difficult than they’re supposed to be, then that could be a sign that you are out of alignment. When this happens take some time to reconnect with yourself and reevaluate. Make a list of your values and what’s important to you then compare it to your current lifestyle, if they don’t look the same it’s time to make some changes and create a life you genuinely love
You are a powerful, high vibrational, infinite being, you have the ability to shift your thoughts, habits and lifestyle at any moment, all you have to do is choose to
Understand that what happens inside happens outside, meaning you cannot outrun a poor mindset, all the thoughts you’ve had and choices you’ve made have brought you here. Let go of any resistance and bitterness you may be holding onto, you cannot change the past but you can plan for your future
Get clear on what you want and decide what your intentions are. You can set intentions for every single thing you do, but if you’re just starting out I’d suggest setting one in the morning for the whole day and asking your subconscious for support before going to sleep at night
The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between visualisations and reality. This is why visualising and vision boards are so incredible because your mind sees your intentions in the form of images and begins to view them as your life
Declaring your intentions to others can also give them strength because you are standing proud in what you want and saying “I manifest my reality and so I choose what exists” and that is a powerful thing
Another way you can boost the effectiveness of your intentions is to attach them to emotions. What does it feel like to embody your intentions? What emotions will you feel once you’ve completed your goal or manifested what’s on your vision board? Allow yourself to feel and express those emotions now in the present moment. The more you feel it the faster you will attract it because it is already yours
I know I am living in alignment when I can feel myself embodying pure intentions that are leading me to the greatest version of myself and I am reminded that everything I need is already within me
Please remember, you have what it takes to create the life you’ve always dreamed for yourself and your time is now
You intended this