The little things are the big things
If the past few years have taught us anything it’s that the little things are actually the big things. It’s that we shouldn’t take anything for granted and to be grateful for everything we have and everyone we love
We’ve become less concerned with material possessions and more excited by experiences and living a life full of passion and purpose because we are now more aware than ever that life as we know it and the people we care about can be taken away from us or separated from us at any point and we don’t want to waste any more time
I have always valued connections and quality time, but even more so than ever before I am making an effort to be present, to look people in the eyes when I am with them, and hug them just that little bit longer when saying hello and goodbye because after spending so much time apart with no idea when we would be able to see each other again, I just can’t risk not making the most of each and every moment together, never knowing when it might be our last
The same goes for experiences, income, and stability. All over the world people were told they could no longer do things they were so used to doing with freedom and ease, so many families lost their incomes and businesses and didn’t know how they were going to afford their homes anymore, many of us felt that we had something taken from us, our freedom of choice, our lifestyles, our ability to travel, visiting family and friends, all the things we were used to and now that normality is returning, we’re holding on just that little bit tighter to the importance and value of each opportunity presented to us
It’s easy to take things for granted when you’ve become accustomed to them. When it’s a part of your usual surroundings, something or someone you have always been able to depend upon, or a lifestyle you feel comfortable living and what an incredible position to be in, to be able to receive or experience something and be so open and welcoming to it without having a second thought. A feeling of freedom and contentment that we are all so deserving of, and should always remain thankful for
I’m noticing so much more presence and gratitude among people now that they have been able to return to the things they’ve missed. I’m seeing more and more people being mindful of where their money is going and making more of a conscious effort to connect with the people they love
With this awareness and with Christmas coming up I felt it was important to mention the sentiment of appreciation and love that should always be prioritized before expectations, new possessions, and the stress that can go hand-in-hand with holidays. Sometimes we forget what these holidays are all about and don’t take the time to stop and realize just how precious and valuable these days together actually are
I’m the first person to put their hand up and say they love Christmas, I thrive in the excitement and anticipation leading up to the holiday and genuinely enjoy finding people the perfect gift and making sure it’s wrapped beautifully with an extremely long, handwritten card attached, but the reason I do all of that, is because I feel so much, deep gratitude and adoration for the people in my life that it flows out of me with ease. I thoroughly enjoy putting that love in an expression of gift-giving because I want my loved ones to know just how special they are to me and for them to feel thought of and cared about, but the truth is, all of that can all be shared without gifts, every day of the year, and not everyone gets as excited about it all as I do and that’s perfectly okay. It’s about presence, not about presents
So, If you’re someone who gets overwhelmed by the idea of Christmas and stressed out about how much everything will cost or trying to find the “right” gifts, take a step back from all of that and connect back in with yourself and what you want this day to mean to you. It might be something as beautiful and simple as setting an intention to be more aware of what you do have and the people around you, rather than what you don’t have or can’t afford to give
If you want to show a gesture of appreciation, without spending money start by paying attention to your friend’s and family’s love languages, this will assist you in making them feel valued, special, and thought of during the holiday season and all year round. For example, if their love language is acts of service you could find out what they need help or support with. If it’s words of affirmation you can write them a thoughtful card or letter expressing your adoration and gratitude for them. Think outside the box and try not to put too much pressure on yourself to make everything perfect, it’s the thought that counts so focus more on building and strengthening your connection rather than just spending money on them
For some, days like these are upsetting because they’re grieving and missing someone, or it could be just another day because they don’t have family around them to celebrate with. Being mindful and inclusive of these friends can make such an impact on them and their day. Send them a thoughtful message or invite them to join in with your plans, you never know what that offer could mean to them
The little things add up to the big things. Lots of little moments build up to one big, beautiful life so stay present and grounded. Try not to let the stress of buying presents, cooking lots of food, or seeing heaps of family members overwhelm you too much. Take it one conversation at a time, spend that extra few minutes listening to your relatives repeat the same story they told last year, playing hide and seek with the younger ones, or just cuddling up and watching the Grinch for the 600th time. Soak it all in and enjoy it because you never know when it’ll be someone’s last Christmas and you never know which of those memories will stay with you until your last Christmas
Even if the day starts to lose its magic as we grow older, it’ll always be deeply special to me, because I know those little moments aren’t so little, these connections I am creating are what keep me grounded, hold me up and give me strength. These are the memories I will look back on and know that I had a life well lived, and a heart well loved. I feel so incredibly fortunate to have the life I have and the family that I do and I’m aware that not everyone has experienced family bonds and holidays like these in the same way that I have and that’s why I do my best to extend that love to others
It can be so easy to get caught up in our own lives that we forget that everyone is going through something and not everyone is excited about the end of the year, so next time you’re out Christmas shopping or rushing around doing errands try to keep that in mind and be that smiling face that shows kindness to the people you pass throughout the day, you truly never know what a difference it can make. Even if it’s just a fleeting moment, the little things are the big things
Important reminders this holiday season:
Firstly, put the tree up whenever you want. Fuck the haters
Hug your loved ones tight and enjoy your quality time together. You deserve it
You’re allowed to set boundaries with family and friends. If you’re feeling uncomfortable, overstimulated, and have had enough, it’s okay to remove yourself from the situation
It’s your holiday too. Choose what feels right for you
Everyone is doing their best, let’s give kindness and compassion to others for Christmas this year. Especially those working during the holidays
Be thankful for what you already have and anything you receive. There are so many people less fortunate
Presents aren’t always physical gifts. Think outside the box or keep it simple, whatever comes naturally to you. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself
It’s okay to not feel joyful the whole time. Holidays can be difficult for everyone, especially if you’re missing someone. Be kind to yourself and share how you’re feeling with those around you, you don’t have to feel it alone (unless you want to)
Lastly, please know just how truly grateful I am for all of you who take the time to read or listen to my blog. It honestly means the absolute world to me. I hope you all have a beautiful end to the year