You are energy

Photography by Danielle Ann Rose @bydanielleannrose

We are all made up of energy, constantly vibrating, tuned into frequency. We as humans are connected to all that exists, we are not singular, the energy within each of us is the energy of the entire universe

Each attuned to our own unique frequency, our energy introduces us before we even speak. If you’re paying attention you can immediately read the energy in a room, the second you walk in. Have you ever met someone for the first time and clicked with them straight away because you feel as though you’re both on the same “wavelength?” Or felt as though you couldn’t trust someone, without being able to pinpoint why? These are examples of picking up on other people’s energies, like an intuitive sense of knowing - you just feel it

We all have immeasurable amounts of potential, though a lot of people end up blocking that by dwelling in lower vibrational states of being. It’s not uncommon to get caught up in the dramas of life, focusing on what’s not going our way, letting the past linger in our minds, and not truly experiencing the now, but it’s important not to get stuck there. When we continue to sit stagnant in these lower vibrational states, not actively trying to process how we feel and progress forward, the longer we stay there unnecessarily, prolonging the pain

If you feel as though you’re just getting through life, trying to survive and not actually living, I want you to check in with yourself and see if you’re feeling any sense of shame, guilt, or fear. These emotions are the lowest states of consciousness according to David Hawkins's “Map of consciousness” and this could be what’s keeping you stuck feeling flat and lacking energy

Here are 5 ways to raise your vibration:

Connection - Whether it be your relationship with yourself, nature, or the ones you love, focusing on connection can assist you in understanding what’s truly important in life. Practicing meditation or yoga helps to align your mind, body, and soul, getting out into fresh air and natural sunlight can almost immediately refresh you, and having deep and meaningful conversations with people who genuinely care for you, will assist you in feeling emotionally supported

Forgive and let go - I know this is easier said than done, but I want you to at least be open to the idea of forgiving yourself and others who have done wrong by you. Allowing yourself to release your grip on the past can help you to move forward with your life, without carrying the heavy burdens of anger and resentment along with you

Focus on gratitude - When we spend time paying attention to all the things we are grateful for, we become more aware of the duality of life and feel less inclined to dwell, promoting happiness and resilience. When we realise that everything is temporary, it can assist us in understanding that difficult times will pass, and appreciation is fundamental

Acknowledge and accept - If there’s something keeping you stuck in your head, replaying old stories and feeling bitter about the past, you may find that telling someone outside of the situation helps you to release it from your body. By speaking your thoughts out loud, you’re taking away their power, removing their hold over your mind and freeing yourself from that vicious internal cycle

Play - Allow yourself to celebrate and enjoy life! Dance around the house, sing along to music in the car and congratulate yourself for all your wins, no matter how small they might be. Be your own biggest fan and be proud of what you achieve. We can’t always rely on others to lift us up, so it’s important to enjoy our own company and have fun even when we’re alone

I personally feel that intuition and energy work closely together, intertwined even. Anytime you want to strengthen your inner voice, practise aligning your energy to what lights you up. Start by becoming aware of your surroundings, because to what you give your energy, you give your power

Are you spending time with like-minded people, who have conversations that feel nourishing, who elevate you and call you forward to your highest potential?

Are you consuming nutritional food that supports your mind and body to function at full capacity?

Does the content you listen to and watch fuel your mind with education and enjoyment, or is it mind-numbing and uncreative, weakening your inner guidance?

As soon as you know the answers to these questions, you can shift your energy and gain your power back. While using the previously mentioned ways of raising your vibration or even when you're protecting your current energy state, set a powerful intention to align yourself with whatever you want to call into your life, love, creativity, abundance, anything. You have it in you to do, be and create anything you set your mind to, the energy you put out comes back to you. You have the ability to match the vibrational frequency of courage, acceptance and love all you have to do is choose. Choose to make that a priority, make yourself a priority

“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.” - Abraham Hicks.

As we are made of energy, so are our thoughts. The thoughts we have in our minds, both consciously and subconsciously are all conversations with the universe. It doesn’t matter if what you’re thinking is perceived as “negative” or “positive” the universe is always listening, and it’s always saying yes

For example, you might believe that you’re thinking about needing to earn more money, which you may view as a positive thought, but beneath that, you could actually be thinking about your current lack of money, which the universe will hear and say yes to, leaving you in the same place financially. Although, when we start to consider money as energy, like us, instead of something outside of ourselves, it’s easier to allow it to flow through our lives with ease. With this shift in mindset, we are affirming to ourselves and the universe that what we are calling in, already exists within us, it’s not something external to us that we need to earn, it is already ours, making it so easy for the universe to say yes

As Bob Procter explains it, our conscious mind is what we think with, and when we think we take a power that’s flowing into our consciousness and we send it off into the universe as thought. That’s why sometimes you can think about someone you care about and then suddenly they’re calling you because the cells in their brain were activated by your thoughts

The energy you send, you receive, meaning the energy you put out into the world, you attract back to you. If you go through life spreading kindness you will attract kindness back to you. Your attitude towards life is exactly what you can expect the universe to provide you with, this is why becoming self-aware of your vibrational state is crucial if you want to stop the cycle of sending bad thoughts and receiving bad experiences in return. If you want to create a happier and more fulfilling life take a look at your thoughts and attitude towards your current situation and consider how a shift in perspective could change your life


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