Consistency and commitment
On October 1st 2023 this little blog turned two!
Embracing Gemini has been such a beautiful way for me to express myself, lean into my creativity and share something that’s incredibly important to me. Mental health is a crucial conversation to have and self-development saved my life. In honour of that, this blog feels like a wonderful celebration
I don’t check how many people view my site and I don’t pressure myself to turn it into anything more or less than it already is. I write because I enjoy it and I write about the topics I feel called to share, no matter who reads it, I will consistently publish new blog posts on the 1st and 16th of every month. Some posts are shorter and more succinct while others are longer and written with more depth, I haven’t placed any specific rules around the contents of Embracing Gemini because it’s purely an expression of self-learning and an extension of who I am in each passing moment. However, the consistency and commitment of the 1st and 16th have been held sacred to me and I don’t ever plan to waver from them
To me, Embracing Gemini has been incredibly successful because I set out to do something and am so proud of myself for actually doing it. It amazes me to reflect back on the days I didn’t feel like writing, but somehow still produced entire blog posts that now serve as a reminder that I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to
True commitment requires a deep understanding of why you started to begin with, remembering this reason will be a driving force that assists you in staying focused and consistent, even when it feels difficult. For me, that always brings a sense of purpose, integrity and fulfilment. I believe this rings true for all commitments and serves as a catalyst for growth and success
Remain truly present in what you are pursuing, and be willing to invest time and energy into whatever that commitment may be. Regardless of the difficulties that may arise, it is your dedication to the cause that will inevitably see you succeed
Consistently showing up, practising your craft, and persevering through challenges, that is how you will make progress, that is how you succeed, that is how you reach your full potential
Consistency fosters discipline, focus, and resilience, building a solid foundation for growth and achievement. By staying true to our values and consistently taking small steps forward, we can create positive habits, develop knowledge and ability, and ultimately experience lasting success
Consistency and commitment empower us to overcome obstacles and forge a path towards fulfilment, achievement and anything else we hope it will