Be kind to yourself

Photography by Danielle Ann Rose @bydanielleannrose

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Please, be kind to yourself

Life is already difficult enough without you adding any more pressure onto yourself. The foundation of mental and emotional well-being is self-compassion. By treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and patience, you foster a positive and nurturing relationship with your inner self

When we give ourselves grace, we begin to build resilience, boost self-esteem, and reduce stress and anxiety. This then leads to a healthier mindset, which enables us to recognize our worth and capabilities, leading to a positive self-image and a greater sense of self-empowerment

Both you and your inner child deserve gentle and supportive nurturing, that provides a safe space for healing and growth to exist. Negative self-talk and a suppressive attitude will begin to evaporate the joy and pureness from your life, so be mindful of how you speak to and about yourself. What you say to yourself matters, whether other people hear it said or not, both your conscious and subconscious mind absorb every word you think or say, and internalise it, believing it to be true. This creates an underlying narrative that attracts a reality that matches those exact thoughts

I’ve heard Mel Robins say there are 2 things she suggests doing to break the habit of speaking negatively to yourself and they are:

Firstly, a journalling practice where the first thing you do in the morning is write 5 things you really want. This can be material items or a feeling you want to experience, literally anything you want

Mel explains that by writing them down your mind pays more attention than if you just thought about it. This allows the things you desire to move through the negative and builds the skill of tuning out self-doubt while tunning into what you really want in life

People with a negative dialogue typically talk themselves out of the things that they want so it’s important to follow those 5 things up by writing down why you want them, this helps the mind stay focused on what you want rather than self-doubt

Secondly, Mel recommends high-fiving yourself in the mirror every day. As crazy as it sounds they did a study on 150, 000 people, in 91 countries and found that in as little as five days people noticed the profound effect it had on the way they felt about themselves and how they spoke to themselves

The reason it’s so impactful is because as you high-five yourself in the mirror your brain sees you doing it, this demonstrates to your brain that you care about and support yourself because you would only ever high-five someone you actually like, believe in and want to see succeed

The simple action of high-fiving yourself in the mirror can change the way you view yourself which has the potential to shift your identity and change your life

It’s also important to pay attention to the people and conversations going on around you, step away when needed and allow yourself to detach yourself from any negative words spoken over you. People who have your best interests at heart will never speak down to you, or be disrespectful towards you, don’t let anyone who does get into your head. You are more than worthy of everything you have ever dreamed of, so please don’t let anyone dim your light, no matter how “close” they may be to you. Practising self-compassion allows you to set a standard for how others should treat you, cultivating healthier and more fulfilling relationships

It’s okay to take a break, you deserve to rest and recuperate from the relentlessness that is life sometimes. If you don’t have the capacity to be kind to yourself and fill up on your own cup, then you definitely shouldn’t be giving away all your energy to everyone else. You get to respect your own inner peace and choose what’s best for your mental and emotional health. Being kind to yourself is a fundamental aspect of self-care and lays the groundwork for a more balanced, fulfilling, and joyful life. In a world so full of fast-paced madness, be an example of kindness and grace




Resilience and perseverance